Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My newness to u

Let me mislay my newness to you,
Waiting for my dawn all wet dew.
Thy! Hold me tight in yellow fun,
Whole night is not enough to learn.

White makes me feel complete in shy,
Withstand the urge is like to smile bye.
Cry me out for what I am born of then,
All I pet is to singe in your arm’s den..

 I know your soul is painted in me deep,
Both of our heart beats faster at Godspeed.
Sluice with your moan and guide me in you,
Witness my pure feels the heaven’s blue..

Nothing can seize your soul from me ever.
Tears rolled down to salute my neck in rover;
Black has owned the pain from my fortune.
Thou! shall remain mine as Sky own its moon..